关心「岛鸣国外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」皇冠体育博彩
www.yuqgu.com皇冠客服飞机:@seo3687巴哈马群岛以其迷东说念主的海滩,珊瑚礁和充满活力的文化而有名。本期再共享两座位于当地贝里群岛的优质私东说念主岛屿——Hawk's Nest Cay 和 South Stirrup Cay。
The Bahamas is renowned for its enchanting beaches, coral reefs, and vibrant culture. In this issue, we'll introduce two premium private islands located in the Berry Islands—Hawk's Nest Cay & South Stirrup Cay.
Hawk's Nest Cay位于贝里群岛北部,距离迈阿密仅120英里,距离拿骚仅50英里。该岛距离大港礁东北端仅半英里,享有生存的便利性。围聚大港礁的显耀上风包括一个领有5000英尺跑说念的国外机场、一个深水船埠,以及一个特点商圈,为岛屿生存增添了便利和当地文化体验。此外,这里如故垂纶和多样水上活动的感性花样。
菠菜赚钱平台是什么Hawk's Nest Cay is situated in the northern part of the Berry Islands, just 120 miles from Miami and 50 miles from Nassau. The island is conveniently located half a mile from the northeast end of Great Harbour Cay. Its proximity to Great Harbour Cay offers significant advantages, including an international airport with a 5000-foot runway, a deep-water marina, and a distinctive shopping district, all of which enhance island living with convenience and an authentic local cultural experience. Additionally, it's an ideal destination for fishing and various water activities.
Covering an area of 26 acres, Hawk's Nest Cay boasts a 1.8-kilometer coastline with flat terrain. Surrounded by crystal-clear turquoise waters, the island features pristine white sandy beaches on all three sides, complemented by a predominant vegetation of mixed woodland, creating a picturesque tropical getaway.
South Stirrup Cay则位于在贝里群岛南部,距离迈阿密仅140英里,距离拿骚仅60英里。坐落在Chub Cay Resort & Marina西北1.4英里处,其优厚的地舆位置确保了便利性和排他性。
zh皇冠体育网hg0088皇冠South Stirrup Cay, located in the southern part of the Berry Islands, is only 140 miles from Miami and 60 miles from Nassau. Positioned 1.4 miles northwest of Chub Cay & Marina, its prime location ensures convenience and exclusivity.
Spanning 5.7 acres, South Stirrup Cay offers raw natural beauty with its turquoise ocean views and powdery white sand beaches, providing an unparalleled retreat from the world. The eastern side of the island features a deep-water access, making it suitable for large-scale development projects and catering to discerning individuals seeking endless possibilities in the Atlantic Ocean.
这两座私东说念主岛屿当今皆在出售中。其中Hawk's Nest Cay售价为450万好意思金,South Stirrup Cay售价为600万好意思金。如有兴致,接待私信征询。
ku体育真人是正规平台吗Both of these private islands are currently for sale, with Hawk's Nest Cay priced at $4.5 million and South Stirrup Cay priced at $6 million. If you're interested, feel free to send your inquiry.
Thanks for your time. Until next time.
0101 Pym Island|位于温哥华的迷东说念主小岛
0100 Jewel Point|已获开采批准的巴哈马私东说念主半岛
0099 Island Oasis|领有当代化豪宅的海上绿洲
0098 Jewel Caye|可拎包入住的伯利兹小岛
0097 Temple Island|这座澳洲昆士兰的私东说念主岛屿行将拍卖
0096 Elizabeth Island|墨尔本隔邻的私东说念主岛屿
0095 Pimlico Islands|加勒比海的狭长岛群
Global Domain 「岛鸣国外」是私东说念主岛屿生存方式的办法者,力争于提供行家界限内简直灵验的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套就业。在后疫情和地缘政事冲破风险加大的新时间布景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求提议改进性的科罚决议。